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  • Evergreeness India (Systemic fungicide) 500 ml
  • Evergreeness India (Systemic fungicide) 500 ml
  • Evergreeness India (Systemic fungicide) 500 ml

Evergreeness India (Systemic fungicide) 500 ml

Per piece

Product details
Evergreeness India Systemic fungicides are a type of pesticide specifically designed to control fungal diseases in plants. Systemic fungicides can be applied to the soil or sprayed onto the foliage of plants. They are excellent for use in organic farming and gardening because they don't leave any toxic residues in the soil or on the surfaces of plants. This improves nutrient availability and uptake efficiency by making it easier for plants to absorb nutrients from the soil. Effective against viral and fungi-based illnesses such rust, rot, damping off, and mildew.

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